Nicholas Roberts is the deputy-editor of Penguin News, the national paper of the Falkland Islands, and writes internationally on matters relating to the Falklands.

Nicholas is a staff writer and editor for Penguin News, he is also the editor of the biannual Falkland Islands Association Newsletter, which shares matters of importance to the Falkland Islands for international interest.

He has also contributed his knowledge as a Falklands journalist to The Times, The Sunday Times, and Ars Technica; and consulted on issues relating to the Falklands as a Falkland Islands journalist for The BBC, The New Yorker, The New York Times, TV Globo, France24, and other productions.

Nicholas Roberts, Falklands Journalist, in Penguin News

Journalism, written

Featured written works by Nicholas Roberts

Journalism, audio

Featured audio works by Nicholas Roberts