Nicholas Roberts - Journalist

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Chamber of Commerce and Falkland Islands Government Joint COVID-19 Release

Written for The Falkland Islands Chamber of Commerce as a joint press release in conjunction with Falkland Islands Government, to be released to Chamber membership and the local press.

MLAs Stacy Bragger and Mark Pollard, along with Chief Executive Barry Rowland, met with the Chairman of the Falkland Islands Chamber of Commerce Mike Summers on Thursday March 11 to discuss the needs of Falkland Islands businesses arising as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We want to work together with the business community to help them remain prosperous” said MLA Stacy Bragger, underlining the Government’s commitment in the Islands Plan to work in partnership with the private sector to deliver continued prosperity.

MLA Mark Pollard stated “The Government recognises the importance of the private sector to the economy of the Falkland Islands and appreciates the opportunity to work with the Chamber to better understand how to assist in this unprecedented time of economic turbulence”.

The Government will consult closely with the Chamber and its members over the coming days to understand the potential impacts of the pandemic on the various sizes and types of business in the Islands. As part of that consultation exercise MLAs as a group are meeting with the Chamber of Commerce Board on Friday March 20 to discuss a range of issues including COVID-19. The Chamber will also be holding a meeting for the business community at 1600 on Monday the 23rd of March at the Chamber of Commerce to solicit feedback and discuss the potential issues for businesses stemming from the isolation of staff members. Government officials will attend to hear the perspectives of the business community first hand.

Chamber Chairman Mike Summers said “It is important that we assist the Government to make the right decisions in support of businesses and the economy. We will not automatically understand the implications of widespread sickness or isolation on all businesses, so it is important that as many as possible with concerns join us on Monday afternoon.”