Nicholas Roberts - Journalist

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Jennifer Haben of Beyond The Black Interview

Written for Noizze Magaine

We sent Nick down to catch Beyond The Black at one of their shows on the tour run with Powerwolf and Epica. Nick also managed to sit down with the lovely Jennifer Haben to chat about the band, influences and their latest release Lost In Forever. Read the interview below:

- You’ve just released your first worldwide album, Lost in Forever, how are you feeling about it’s reception so far?

I have to say I don't get much information about it because we’re so busy on this tour and in interviews and everything, but I think it will be great to look at it when we’re back again!


- Being a symphonic metal band, it makes sense that your music has some classical influences, but how big of a part has classical music been in your life?

Well, I was playing piano classically when I was 6 years old, and did that for 9 years. I was also in a choir when I was 5 for 10 years too, but that was my classical influence really.


- You’ve had some pretty major changes in the band’s line-up recently, has that made much of a change for your writing processes or your performance style?

We have some ideas that are a little bit different than before. [The rest of the band] are sending me ideas, I can’t even really listen to them much because there are so many! It’s really really cool and we’re working on some new sounds.


- With all of these new ideas on board, what does Beyond the Black have in store for us in 2017?

I think we have to have a bit of time for touring and writing, but I think there may be something in the beginning of 2018… And there’s the tour in Germany at the end of the year!


- You’ve been touring with some titans of the genre, Epica and Powerwolf, how has that been as an experience for you?

It’s been awesome, because they’ve been very very nice to us. Simone! I met her when I was sick, and she was sick too so we talked to each other she told me what I had to do when I’m not well, which was really cool of her! So I have new tea and some good medicine now!


 - Is there a track from the album which you have particularly enjoyed performing live?

One of the new ones that I really love is The Other Side. I enjoy it because it feels so artistic, you’re so into yourself when you singing it, it feels like a song just for yourself.


- Do you have an artist that you would like to play alongside?

Maybe one of our influences, it would be great to play with Nightwish. But it would be great with artists from another genre, like Phil Collins, I LOVE Phil Collins! I don’t really think we could get him but I would love that!


- Speaking of other genres, do you think as a band you’ll stay with what you know or branch out into new styles?

I think we could have both. Beyond the Black has always had various sounds, I think we could do anything we want to. It would be difficult to do songs in another style, but I’d love to try it!


- Are there any artists that you’re listening to at the moment, anyone to look out for? Other than Phil Collins?!

I love him, I’m in such a Phil Collins phase at the moment. I also love Bring Me The Horizon, especially 'Sempiternal'… But I also love Disney too, I have all the Disney albums in a Spotify playlist! Then bands like Evanescance and Within Temptation, with those powerful voices, I love that.